How To Automatically Sink Every Putt Within 6-Feet
FREE Putting Book
FREE Putting Book!
The Four Secret Body Locks
The Prescription For A World-Class Putting Stroke!
"The most thorough examination of the putting stroke I have ever seen... 
I finished the whole book while walking 18 holes at The Arnold Palmer Invitational at Bay Hill." - Sean Foley
A Step-By-Step Blueprint For Perfect Putting
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What Is The Four Secret Body Locks?
It is NOT just another "How To" putting book...  
It is NOT about spending hours practicing... but learning a few secrets will instantly help you sink more putts than you ever have before!
It is NOT about changing your putting stroke... but a few simple setup adjustments will not only make you a more consistent putter - but also make you longer and more accurate off the tee!
Hurry, This FREE Offer Won't Last long!
"Proof That The Four Secret Body Locks Has ALREADY Dramatically Changed The Game For Countless Golfers Around The World!
From: Eric Kaplan
Miami, Florida

Are you tired of changing something in your putting stroke every time you miss a putt?

Are you missing putts you KNOW you should make?

Would you like to be able to sink every putt inside of 5 Feet?

Your anatomy holds the secret key to the best golf of your life.
Your body is an incredible machine... the product of millions of years of evolution. When you use your body correctly, you will be amazed at the level of play you are capable of. You CAN develop a world-class putting stroke in as little as a day...

But only if you know how to harness the power of your anatomy and eliminate all the unnecessary moving parts of your stroke.
  • The Four Secret Body Locks will help you sink putts more consistently with a more stable putting stroke...
  • The Four Secret Body Locks will show you how to get rid of everything that's hurting your stroke so you won't miss putts you should be making...
  • The Four Secret Body Locks will give you the fundamentals to become a world-class putter and set you up for success in every other part of your game!
Rory McIlroy Learning The Four Secret Body Locks
"The Four Secret Body Locks is good sh*t!" 
- Bob Toski
In A Recent Golf Channel Segment, Dave Marr III Called Me 'The Michelangelo Of Golf Instructors'
There are two schools of thought regarding how Michelangelo carved David.  One says he took a piece of marble and carved David.  The other says Michelangelo took a piece of marble and removed everything that WASN'T David...
Let me show you how to remove everything unnecessary from your putting stroke, until all you are left with is the most optimal motion - the perfect putting stroke.
The Four Secret Body Locks Has Already Helped Countless People Around The World...
The Question Is, Are YOU Next?
If You're Sick And Tired Of All The Trendy Golf Tips and Inconsistent Advice From Other Golf Sites and Magazines You've Seen Lately...

Read These Amazing Success Stories From Actual, Real Students...
The most exclusive golf clubs in the world are flying Eric Kaplan in to learn from him in person...
Eric Kaplan is now traveling around the country hosting special Putting and Short Game Schools to the members of the most exclusive clubs in the world - while also teaching the instructors how to give the rest of their members the roadmap to transform every aspect of the game...
Bob Ford
Seminole Golf Club / Oakmont

"Eric is a wonderful young instructor, has a book out, and is credited by Bernhard Langer as to his last three year run as his putting coach."

Testimonial Name
Nickname / Business Name
"On that first webinar I sold more than I did in an entire year."
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As You Can See...
The Four Secret Body Locks Has Already Helped Countless People Around The World...
The Question Is, Are YOU Next?
Like I mentioned before, this book is free. All I ask is that you actually read it! If you share the belief that golf has the power to change lives, then please read and share this book!

Oh, and in case you're wondering...

There Is NO CATCH!
I know there are some websites out there that offer you something cool for free, but then stick you into some program that charges your card every month.

This isn't one of them.

Time Is Of The Essence...
This book giveaway is part of a special promotion for our new online lesson program! It's kind of like "Netflix For Golf Lessons." Once we hit our membership targets, this book will actually cost money again.

If this page is still here, then the offer is live. But I reserve the right to pull it down at any time.
Here Is My "You've Gotta Be Crazy" Guarantee
I 100% guarantee that you'll love this book, or I'll personally take a look at your putting stroke.

That's right. If this doesn't make you putt better on your next round I want to help you...  Just email us a video of your stroke and we'll get you sorted out.

Sound fair?
This Is Truly A Limited Time Offer, So Claim Your FREE Copy Now...
Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and I hope you enjoy the book!

Eric Kaplan
P.S. In case you're one of those people (like me) who just skip to the end of the letter, here's the deal:

I'm emailing you a copy of my putting book (that retails for $16.95) for FREE. Yes, this book is free. 

So, click the button below to get your FREE copy now. You won't regret it.